Lightning Protection is a method of protecting a structure from damage that could be caused by lightning strikes. This works by interrupting the flow of electricity and passing it through to 'ground'. They are called Lightning Protection Systems and usually consist of metal conductors, a network of lightning rods and ground electrodes.
The main purpose of these systems is to reduce damage on buildings received from lightning strikes. Lightning causes a fire hazard to structures when they are hit, the protection systems migrate this hazard. They work by providing a low-impendence path; this path is designed for the current and lessens the heat produced by the current. If the system of lightning hits a water saturated material there is a chance it could literally explode.
A really good example of a structure that is venerable to lightning is a wooden barn. Because of the heat given off by the lightning, when its strikes the barn it and its contents is likely to go up in flames. A protection system in this case would make most of the lighting follow a different path substantially reducing heat and damage to the wooden barn; it provides a conductive path between the ground and the air terminal that the lightning will follow.
Lightning Protection is a method of protecting a structure from damage that could be caused by lightning strikes. This works by interrupting the flow of electricity and passing it through to 'ground'. They are called Lightning Protection Systems and usually consist of metal conductors, a network of lightning rods and ground electrodes.
The main purpose of these systems is to reduce damage on buildings received from lightning strikes. Lightning causes a fire hazard to structures when they are hit, the protection systems migrate this hazard. They work by providing a low-impendence path; this path is designed for the current and lessens the heat produced by the current. If the system of lightning hits a water saturated material there is a chance it could literally explode.
A really good example of a structure that is venerable to lightning is a wooden barn. Because of the heat given off by the lightning, when its strikes the barn it and its contents is likely to go up in flames. A protection system in this case would make most of the lighting follow a different path substantially reducing heat and damage to the wooden barn; it provides a conductive path between the ground and the air terminal that the lightning will follow.